Monday, May 18, 2009


Right after my two week California road trip I then got back in the car with my friend Jen Dickie and dr0ve up to Prince Rupert. From there we took a ferry down to the native community of Hartley Bay. I have worked with this community and the youth now for a number of years. Last year i did some kayak training for the high school kids and Jen and I came back up this year to deliver the next level in the Paddle Canada Kayak certifications. 
I had really missed being back in the community and it was awesome to see all of the kids. We had 13 students that we put through a three day course. They were trained in paddle strokes, rescues and decision making. 
It was incredible to see how quickly the  confidence in these kids grew over the three days. We were very proud to present the students with their certifications. We are now looking forward to heading back up to take the kids on a multiday kayaking expedition in their territory to help develop their decision making skills, expedition planning and to help them gain more experience. Thanks to Cam and Eva Hill, my adopted family for looking after us while we were up there and sharing their amazing hospitality with us.

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