Monday, August 10, 2009


Right after the 5 day Stand Up Paddleboard trip to the Great Bear Rainforest i headed up to King Pacific Lodge for a week of adventure and fishing. This is my 10th season working in some capacity at the lodge. It was amazing to be back. Its such an incredible place to spend time. The highlight of the trip for me was 11 year old Laila catching a 38 pound chinook salmon. I spent all afternoon in the boat with two 11 year old and i am sure i was asked 200 questions in the first hour. The weather had been amazing and we enjoyed the afternoon together catching coho. Just before we ended the day we tried one last spot. We made a couple of passes and had the bait stripped both times which look to be a chinook bite. We made one more pass and as Laila said, "third times a charm," and bang, fish on. She fought the fish the whole time even though she wanted to give the rod to me and her friend Audrey. We both declined and she battled this beauty for 20 minutes. We finally got the fish into the boat. We also talked about the importance of these salmon on the coast and thanked the fish for his life. Laila had her family of 11 down and this one fish will feed the whole family, no need to take more so we came back much to the delight of her family and friends. Incredible fish and an incredible experience on the north coast again.